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Two Ways Schedulers Help Financial Wholesalers Achieve Top-Ranking Calendars

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

By Executive Scheduling Associates CEO Mitch Santala

Recently, my wife and I were enjoying dinner at a friend's house. A question was asked that began an enthralling conversation. If you could be a character from a TV show, who would you be and why?

Infographic of How To Cure Calendar Envy in The Financial Industry

I said, celebrity chef Bobby Flay. In his TV show, "Beat Bobby Flay," two talented chefs are given the opportunity to compete against this top-ranking culinary master. But first, these two chefs must compete against each other. The winner has the opportunity to battle Bobby Flay, and if they win a second time, they get the bragging rights to say they beat Bobby Flay.

Now let's go back to my answer and how it might relate to you, the financial wholesaler or advisor. Here we have one of the highest-ranking chefs in the world resisting the temptation to rest on his past reputation. Instead, he surrounds himself with talented people and the challenges necessary for him to remain at the top of his game.

As a financial professional, you're not exactly aspiring to be the next top-ranking chef, but chances are you've set goals that might include becoming the top-ranking sales professional in your division or company. If this is something you hope to achieve, you'll need a top-ranking calendar. Partnering with an appointment-setting service can help. Here are two examples.

Number one - more sales appointments. Increased calendar activity is vital to top-performing production. It's a numbers game. More meetings equal more sales. A skilled appointment-setting service can boost your meeting activity by more than 50 percent.

While you're out meeting with clients face-to-face, they're dialing on your behalf, building your calendar to a more profitable level. Often, an appointment-setting service can provide you with a calendar that has four to five meetings per day and is booked two to three weeks out.

Number two - better sales appointments. An increase in your meeting activity only matters if it's an increase in quality meetings. So, it's not just a high quantity; we also want high-quality meetings. Partnering with the skilled scheduling service will help you do just that.

They can book your calendar with both producers and prospects. Instead of a shotgun approach to appointment setting, they work with you to develop a ranking system and a priority list that helps fill your calendar first with your producers and focus firms and then fill in the gaps with prospects.

Partnering with an appointment setter can help you achieve a top-ranking calendar this year.

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